The Greatest of These is Love
God so loved the people He created that His heart moved with compassion to restore us to a place of intimate fellowship with Him. The only way to break the power of sin and death was to send His beloved Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty required. Now, there is no more divide; and we can boldly enter the presence of the Lord and experience this love first-hand – without limits.
Love motivated the finished work of the cross and love must sustain its continuous power of transformation and victory in us. When we allow the love of God to be continually poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, we walk out that love in every situation. It’s God’s love in us that fuels and gives power to our faith, and convinces the world we belong to God. When God’s love abounds in us, it’s absolutely possible to have our flesh and all its shortcomings surrender to the fullness of the Spirit.
It’s God’s love dominating us that causes us to never give up, never lose faith, and remain hopeful. It gives us the strength to endure everything courageously. Yield to the love of God today so you can pour it out to others, and see them overcome too!