The High Priest of Our Confession

Most Believers have no idea of what the function of a high priest is. According to the world’s religions and traditions, there are various high priests that usually dress in strange clothes and perform certain religious rituals. But in the kingdom of God – the role of high priest has been given to only one man – the resurrected Jesus! The Bible says that Jesus is the only way we can access our Heavenly Father.  He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!  It’s only by His Name that a man can be saved! Jesus is the only one who is authorized to be the true High Priest by God Himself, because He gave His own lifeblood to take away the sin of the world!  He sacrificed Himself by taking our sin and shame upon Himself so that we could receive His righteousness. This is what gives Him – and Him alone the right of the title High Priest.  What’s very important to understand is that Jesus’ function as High Priest was not just for our salvation where we come through Him to be reconciled to the Father, but the Bible says He is now the High Priest of our confession!  What does that mean?  The Bible says He is the Lord and He watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).  Jesus is authorized to take the words we speak and put them into effect, watching over them to make sure they produce exactly what we say – as long as those words align with His own! Where we go wrong is praying prayers that align with our feelings, inadequacies, or problems. Our High Priest can do nothing with those words because they aren’t the truth.  His Word is truth, and we must be sure to find out what it says about us and what we have in Him and have our prayers align with that. That’s the kind of prayer Jesus hears, and personally implements in our lives – hallelujah!  Praise God for our wonderful, compassionate High Priest who causes His Words that are in our mouths to become our reality!