The Honour of Serving God

Any task connected to serving God is honorable.  David said he would rather serve in the courts of the Lord, being the door keeper to His temple, than to dwell in the luxurious tents of the wicked – because he viewed anything connected to the Lord as being of great value. The book of Romans says we are to serve the Lord fervently, wholeheartedly and with zeal, because any service connected to Him is seen by Him as honorable.  The day is quickly approaching where we will all stand before Him to give account for our actions.  Even our enthusiasm for being in church on a Sunday morning is considered a service well worth His attention.  The way we respond to the teaching of His Word, or our participation in worship – all of it is noticed by Him and is of value – because it’s connected to Him.  Being able to sit amongst other believers who love the Lord, and bringing our financial support to His work – all of these things are honorable before Him. We should never take lightly anything that is connected to God and His heart.  Even a task in the church that goes completely unseen to others is of far more value than occupying an honored seat amongst the unsaved. Romans 12:11 says, “Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavour; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.”.  The easiest way to tell if we are lagging in zeal towards the things of God and are no longer burning, aglow with the Spirit, is if we complain or become critical. When we are full of the Word and the Spirit and are constantly keeping our eyes looking for Jesus’s imminent return – we don’t even notice the things that are set up to frustrate or irritate us.  That’s because we are so focused on what is of eternal significance, that anything short of that is of little or no consequence at all.  It’s time to do an internal check on our spiritual temperature concerning how we relate to the things of God and our service to Him.  As we burn hot for Him, we will soar above the snares of the enemy that seek to distract us from fulfilling our purpose for the kingdom.  Remember, anything connected to God is honorable and well worth us giving our all.