The Journey of Faith: Part I

Often times, we read a portion of Scripture, only to read over the depth of revelation just beneath the surface. Today’s Scripture is one of those gems. Unfortunately, our English language is not able to truly convey the bountiful riches of this Scripture as it was originally written – in Hebrew. The Hebrew word, “step” within this context actually refers to “companionship”.

When it comes to our faith walk, we will never walk alone for the Lord Himself will be our traveling companion. His Spirit lives within the born-again child of God, and He promises to remain in us forever, and never leave us (John 14:16). We were created for fellowship and He longs to fellowship with us.

On the Road to Emmaus, we read about Jesus catching up with some of His followers. He travelled the entire journey alongside them, and yet, they were completely unaware that it was Him. If you currently feel alone – or even isolated – we pray that you will become so aware of His presence that is within you. That in every step, you will draw strength from the truth that He is with you, that He is for you and that He will never let you go!