The Journey of Faith: Part III

Have you ever considered what it means to have your steps ordered by the Lord? The word, “ordered” has two specific meanings, each applicable to this verse.  The first meaning is directly linked to faith. God didn’t just speak the universe into existence, He gave the order or command, and it was immediately executed.

In the New Testament we read about the Roman Centurion, a man whom Jesus said had ‘great faith’. This military officer understood the significance of an order or command. He said to Jesus, “Just give the order, and my servant will get well.” (Matthew 8:8 CEV). The Lord has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life. The Bible clearly reveals that His sole intention is to see you succeed and prosper. The question is whether you will come into agreement over what the Lord has already ‘ordered’ with regards to your life? This brings us to the next meaning of the word “ordered”. It is the state in which everything is arranged in its correct place. When we come into agreement with God’s plan for our lives – according to His Word – we can trust Him to order our steps and cause us to walk in His exact plan as we trust and obey His leading. You can be sure that as long as you walk in Him, your life will be marked by the prosperity and peace He has already ordered for you to walk in.