The Joy of Honoring God

After God had miraculously and spectacularly brought the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity and into their promised land; He taught them how to honour Him in a way that they would never forget what He had done for them. They would habitually bring Him the first of the produce they harvested. He even told them what to say when they brought it to Him. In Deuteronomy 26:8-9, He said they were to bring their tithes acknowledging all He had saved them out of and brought them into! It would be an act of joyful thanksgiving and worship, to strengthen their faith to always keep their trust in Him alone as their protector and provider – their covenant keeping God!  As children of God, who have been grafted into His family through accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour – we are included into this wonderful, joyful act of worship too! Bringing tithes and offerings to the house of the Lord, the place where we gather together to corporately lift up His Name, is not an Old Testament law we are exempt from. In fact, this is a covenant act of honour and worship that was established between God and Abraham – long before the law of Moses (Genesis 14:18-20). Just as the patriarchs of faith and the people of Israel were God’s covenant people, we are too. As they did, we too have to face much opposition and dangerous adversaries along our journey of faith. For the Israelites, bringing tithes and offerings to the Lord was a reminder of His mighty acts of redemption, and His power and faithfulness to lead them out of bondage and slavery under a cruel taskmaster and into a land of freedom and prosperity. It was a joyful act of honour and worship that strengthened their faith in their covenant keeping God! Our God has redeemed us from a life of bondage to sin and death. He has brought us into a life of freedom and abundant life, joy, peace, and righteousness in Christ Jesus!  As you tithe, do it in faith, joyfully acknowledging every good thing you have been given in Christ Jesus! Then you can expect the richness of His covenant blessing to continue to be your portion all the days of your life!