The Lord is My Strength

Without the help and strength of the Lord, we will always limit our effectiveness in the earth. Our dependency on and surrender to the Lord is what enables us to overcome every obstacle and triumph in God’s perfect will for our lives.

While we choose to rely on His strength and stop trying to handle the tough situations by relying on our own wisdom and charisma, we will keep progressing. God can do far more with our surrender than what we can do when we are in control. Many of us lose out on God’s best for us, because we try to make things happen by ourselves.

God has given us His wisdom in His written Word, and His Own Spirit to make it alive in our hearts so we can follow it. He has promised to not withhold it from us when we open our hearts and ask Him. Everything we need to succeed is found in Him. As you turn your heart towards Him today, trust Him to give you the wisdom and strength you need to keep moving forward, overcoming each obstacle courageously – in perfect step with Him.