The Path of the Believer

Never underestimate the value of God’s Word in the life of a believer. It’s firstly a lamp to our feet, and secondly, a light to our path. Our path literally represents what God has called and empowered us to walk every day. He reveals it to us when we meditate on His Word day and night. It actually enlightens us to what He has made available to us when we choose to abandon our own way of doing things to follow His way instead.

The decision to follow His footsteps each day brings benefits that are so stunning and worthwhile – we simply can’t pass on the opportunity. Proverbs 3:2 guarantees it will result in: “…length of days and years of a life [worth living] and tranquility [inward and outward and continuing through old age till death]…” God is waiting on us to step out in faith and take Him at His Word.

Today, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the fullness of life God has made available to you as His child. Decide that you are no longer going to walk in your own path, but by faith, step onto the path His Word is revealing to you – one glorious day at a time!