The Power to Live Free from Sin

In The Message translation that last sentence reads “my guilt dissolved, my sin disappeared”. Other translations say “You forgave the iniquity of my sin.” (NKJV) That word iniquity or guilt equates to fault and punishment. Our God remains true to His Word and His character. Although sin often leaves consequences to our actions that we must face, when we confess our sin, the Lord remains true to His promise to remove our transgressions from us – as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). That is pretty far! It’s simply immeasurable! Before the Lord, true  repentance renders us free from guilt. Free from fault and eternal punishment. Colossians 2:14 says, “having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; He has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” Picture all the accusations the accuser and enemy of your soul has against you. See them nailed on that cross, dripping with the precious blood of Jesus. Cancelled, eradicated, annulled. All the devil has left is a photocopy of the past wrong doings, and his accusations are without power. The original is drenched in blood, gutted and butchered, nailed to the cross at Calvary. That means we are free to move forward into full restoration, purposefully renewing our minds to the truth of God’s word and allowing the Holy Spirit to purge all mindsets that would keep us susceptible to sin. Our intimate fellowship with and dependency on the Holy Spirit will keep us living free from sin and free from accusations of the past.  As we remain in Jesus, His power to remain free is alive and actively working in us.