The Principle of Preeminence

Every supernatural result recorded throughout the Bible is governed by a Kingdom principle that produced and is responsible for that result. In the Kingdom of God things don’t just happen by accident. There are many believers who think all things happen automatically, or by the sovereignty of God, this is just not the case. The truth is our experience on this side of eternity is determined by our engagement of Kingdom principles established by God.  These principles are found in the Word and are His way of causing us to live in the reality of each of His promises. Our responsibility is to identify them and put them into operation in our lives through faith and obedience. One of these principles is giving God the place of preeminence in our lives. In Genesis 4 we see Cain and Abel both bringing an offering to the Lord. However, only Abel’s offering was accepted by God.  That’s because Abel’s offering represented his first and best and was given with a heart overflowing with love and gratitude towards the Lord. His offering was an indication that the Lord held the highest place of devotion and regard in Able’s life. Hebrews 11:4 identifies his offering as one that was pleasing to God. Abel gave with faith. He walked righteously before the Lord and obeyed Him out of his sincere love for Him. As a result, his righteous giving still speaks today. Matthew 6:33 tells us the great benefits of putting God and His ways first in every area of our lives. As we do, He takes care of every need and desire with supernatural abundance.