The Stability of God’s Word

Jesus was teaching about the powerful results the Word of God can have in our personal lives when we become skillful in receiving and nurturing it in our hearts.  No matter how small a single truth in the Word of God may seem, the moment we receive it as our own truth by believing it wholeheartedly – it has the potential to produce greatness from the inside of us.  When we understand that God’s Word never fails and that He always backs it up – our confidence in it grows to the point where it is impossible to convince us otherwise.  We become so rooted in the truth we believe that it literally influences every conversation we have.  Since God’s Word is life and peace and we have filled our minds with it – life and peace begin to flow out on every word we speak, creating a quiet confidence that attracts people to the stability and unwavering hope the Word has produced inside us.  Jesus said that truth we receive, meditate on, and believe with all our hearts, and allow to season our words, no matter how small it seems at first – will grow! He likened that truth to a seed that becomes a great tree with large branches – providing a place of rest and shelter for those who need it.  God’s Word doesn’t only produce life and peace and stability in our own lives, it causes others to pay attention to its truth too and enjoy its wonderful benefits for themselves.  Treasure the Word of God and make its truth your life – it will produce a stability in you that people will recognise and flock to, no matter how chaotic the world becomes.