The Superseding Blessing!

As Believers in Christ, we live in two different worlds at the same time.  There is the natural, physical world, as well as the realm of the spirit.  Both operate by specific laws and principles.  In the natural world there are two specific laws that are opposite to each other.  One being the law of gravity, the other – the law of lift.  Now when the law of lift is operational, for example, keeping an aircraft in the sky, the law of gravity doesn’t cease to exist.  It’s simply superseded by the law of lift.  The pilot flying the aircraft understands that when he applies the correct techniques such as thrust and the correct tilt of the craft’s wings, the law of lift overrides the law of gravity and keeps the plane flying.  Just the same, in the realm of the spirit, there are two specific laws that are opposite to each other.  There is the law of sin and death, and the law of the Spirit of life, found in Christ Jesus.  The law of sin and death is associated with something called the curse.  This curse, when operational, brings poverty, sickness, disease, lack of every kind and defeat.  However, the moment we become born-again, the Bible says we are set free from the law of sin and death and anything relating to the curse – because of the finished work of the cross! (Galatians 3:23-24).  Now we live under a different spiritual law – the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus!  This law is associated with the blessing of God! Proverbs 10:22 tells us that it’s this blessing that makes us rich! It causes us to prosper in every area of life and has no pain, regret or toil added to it! Hallelujah!  The sad reality is that many Christians, even though they have been set free from the curse, don’t live in the reality of the blessing.  In most cases, that’s because they are ignorant to the techniques or principles written in God’s Word that explain how to tap into or activate the law that causes the blessing to operate in their lives.  Just as the pilot is trained to use thrust and the correct tilt of the wings, we must apply the principles that ensure the blessing to flow.  The first principle is faith.  Faith is the currency of the kingdom of God.  Without it, no man can be saved, healed, or receive the promises of God.  The second principle is called the law of seed time and harvest (Genesis 8:22).  When we give into God’s kingdom, with hearts full of faith and gratitude – His Word guarantees that the law of Blessing will be activated in our lives as it supersedes any form of the curse!  Follow God’s principles and step into the blessing of God that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it today!