The True Story Behind Christmas

Many people, all over the world celebrate the joy of Christmas time! Nativity scenes are displayed everywhere, looking so peaceful and serene. The truth is, much around His birth and life on earth was opposite to calm. Jesus narrowly escaped being murdered by Herod’s soldiers after His birth. He was despised by the Jewish leaders and rejected by His Own people. He endured cruel mockery and violent beatings and then the cross. Jesus came to the earth – to show the Way, by being the Way!

His mission was to preach the Good News and demonstrate the unconditional love of His Father to a world riddled with fear, evil, sickness and poverty. His way cut against the status quo. While we focus on enjoying our families, the meals to prepare, and the gifts we will exchange this Christmas, let’s not forget the purpose of Jesus’s birth. In a world gone mad, He is still the Light and the Way!

By no means is His way popular, or met with peace – but it is our way to embrace. In all your celebrating this week – remember the true story behind Christmas.  It’s the day the Son of God came to earth to destroy the work of the devil, dishevel his kingdom and set us free forever!