Time for a Reality Check

Every now and again, it’s good for us to have a “reality check” concerning who we are in Christ Jesus. The devil will do just about anything to hold us captive by our past so we don’t have the confidence to move forward into a life of victory and blessing.

His favourite tactic is to keep us thinking we aren’t worthy to live full of the goodness and power of God. He doesn’t want us stepping into the authority Jesus has given us. It’s the authority to enforce the devil’s defeat on this earth by setting people free from torment and disease. It’s the authority to declare what is unlawful in heaven – unlawful on earth; and what is permitted in heaven – permitted on earth. The trouble is we become so preoccupied with self-centred thoughts of inadequacy and imperfection, we miss the truth.

There comes a point where we must realize it’s not about us, but about what Jesus has done for us and the benefits of being yielded to the Spirit of God – Who now lives in us! His power in us transforms us into people who are empowered to touch the needs of those around us. Determine in your heart to stop believing the lies of the enemy, and to start walking in your true Kingdom identity, it’s time to enjoy the fullness of life and victory Jesus has given you, to change the world around you.