Trust in His Faithfulness

God’s plan is for His children to be obtainers and not observers. To be possessors not spectators.  Sadly, there are those who know about God’s promises, but have not seen them become a reality  in their lives. This is not the will of God. He wants us all to posses everything His Son gave His life for us to have. He wants us to taste and see that He is good, not just read about His goodness. Hebrews 6:11-12 instructs us to be imitators of those who inherited every promise of God, through faith and patience! The kingdom of God operates by faith. It is the delivery system of heaven. It is literally the substance that turns the text into our testimony. Faith commits God’s integrity to perform what He has promised us in His Word. The reality is, without faith we will never see God’s promise become our reality. Against all odds, Abraham made a choice to trust God and His faithfulness.  He didn’t place his hope in the promise, he secured his hope in the character of the One who made the promise. He was fully persuaded that it was impossible for God to lie, and that He would always watch over His word to perform it. Once you have God’s word on something, you can have an earnest expectation to see it become your reality.  No matter how impossible that reality may appear – you can lock your grip on that expectation. Today, as you engage your faith in God, you will see His promises delivered to you, because you trust in His faithfulness to do so!