Walk by Faith – not Sight.

Faith is not moved by the evidence of our five physical senses. It doesn’t flinch at what we feel, or hear other people say. It only responds to God’s Word. The Bible teaches that the only appropriate way for a born-again believer to live, is by faith (Romans 1:17). That means we  deliberately choose to only respond to circumstances and situations in life from the perspective of what God’s Word has to say about them. The only way this is possible, is by us knowing exactly what God’s Word has to say! A life of faith demands total dependence on the integrity of God’s Word. Being governed by what we see, or how our emotions make us feel is extremely dangerous. That’s because what we see or understand in the natural is not necessarily the truth. Our emotions are also not trustworthy because they can be easily manipulated.  James 1:21 tells us that the Word implanted and rooted in our hearts has the power to save our souls! Hebrews 6:19 describes it as an unmovable anchor for our souls!  Hallelujah! Never lose sight of the power and the truth of God’s Word to shine a light on every circumstance and give us clear direction! To overcome any battle in this life, choose to be governed only by what the Word of God says.  Believe its truth, speak out its wisdom and watch it go to work on your behalf!  Walking by faith and not by sight brings victory every time!