Walk by Faith!

The Word of God is filled with promises for every believer (2 Corinthians 1:20). Yet, when we look around, there are many Christians not experiencing the reality of those promises. There are too many scriptures to support that Jesus died for all God’s children to be free from oppression, disease and lack. Since God’s Word is infallible, and He is bound to honour it, we must keep looking towards scripture to find the answer.

In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus tells us faith in God is the key. He said whatever we ask, when we pray, we must believe we receive. That means even though we don’t always see those things immediately, they are released to us the moment we pray with faith! They exist and have been dispatched to us in the realm of the spirit at that very moment. It’s our continued standing and walking in faith with thanksgiving that brings those promises into the natural realm.

How do we walk by faith while we wait? Jesus answered that too! In John 15:7, He said if we abide in Him, and His Words remain and continue to live in our hearts, we will have whatever we ask. Since faith comes from us hearing and hearing the Word of God – that’s how we keep it alive in our hearts, while we stay vitally connected to Jesus. Today, start walking by faith and you will see every promise become your reality!