Walk in His Ways

When we do what is right, with the right motives and attitude, we please the Lord. And it’s this kind of godly living that has an effect on even our enemies. Proverbs 15:1 tells us to avoid undue insults. Romans 12:19 warns us against seeking revenge. Luke 6:35 tells us to love, do good and be kind to those who don’t love us, because our Heavenly Father is kind to those who are unthankful and evil. In truth, when we live like this, we give little reason for others to be vengeful or hateful towards us. Even if this is not always the case, it is better to not deliberately provoke anger in others. The word of God teaches us that keeping the right motives in check, along with exercising self-control and common sense will go a long way to keep the peace with others. We are never to compromise our standards or faith, but to live righteously in a manner that is clothed with love and kindness, not arrogance.  The Word emphasises that just doing the right things without the right heart or attitude is both fruitless and futile.  Decide to spend time with the Lord in His Word, surrender your ways, attitudes and motives and exchange them for His Own. As you yield to Him, He will cause you to walk in His ways so you can enjoy the benefits of pleasing Him.