Washing of the Water of the Word

The Word of God is a mighty force that is capable of doing the impossible, when it is received into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. In this world many terrible things happen to people all the time. The Bible tells us that every day there will be reason for each of us to become offended. By the time most sinners surrender their lives to the Lord, they come to Him with broken lives, loaded with heavy burdens of guilt, shame, disappointment and bitterness. The moment they become born again – their spirits are re-created, and God’s Own Spirit comes to live inside them. While their spirits are redeemed and perfect, their souls are still burdened with the weight of their experiences in the world.  This is where they need to begin their journey to freedom from that load. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  What did Jesus mean when He said we will find rest for our souls through taking His yoke and burden?  In the times this was written, a yoke was a piece of wood that would go over the necks of two oxen. It would keep them close together so they could walk in unison and their strength would be combined to carry a heavy load.  Jesus invites us to be yoked with Him, to come into complete unity with Him where we can learn from Him, how-to live-in victory over every area of oppression and hurt from the past.  We learn these wonderful, peace-giving, burden-freeing truths through fellowshipping with His Spirit in the Word.  We learn how to forgive and release every hurt and disappointment, in exchange for freedom from their oppression. We learn how to roll every care over to Him in exchange for His peace. There is not one thing the Word of God cannot cleanse, heal, and make whole through its miraculous transforming power. The washing of water with Jesus, who is the Living Word, will make every believer free from a burdened soul and keep him in a place of peaceful rest and joyful victory. Because whoever the Son (Word) sets free is free indeed.