Well Able Through Grace!

Grace is God’s supernatural empowerment to strengthen and equip us for a life of victory! Because of His grace, we don’t just desire to do His will, we are well able to do it too!  Philippians 2:13 says, “[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energising and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.” In short, we cannot live victoriously for Him, without Him. God never intended for us to live life where He is not the vital necessity.

The only way to live the new life we have in Him is through faith, by grace!  His grace empowers us to live above any and every circumstance, and it is a free gift we are to enjoy! This life that God has for us isn’t difficult to attain, because it’s God’s original design for us! We are meant to be His workmanship, His masterpiece. At salvation, our spirits are recreated into this original design where we become one with Christ Jesus! Every  good work has already been prepared for us to walk in, with Him, and by His grace. All we need to do is respond to His grace, step out in faith and obey Him!  His grace has made us well able to do it.