Willing Obedience Brings Abundant Provision

Our God has more than enough in His storehouse to supply every need we would ever have in our lifetime on this earth. Any provision, whether for our personal needs or to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives, He promises to provide according to His riches in glory! (Philippians 4:19). The Word says God delights and takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants, it’s in His good nature to generously provide for us, because He loves us. How do we tap into this heavenly provision? We simply respond to His love and generous nature by loving Him in return. Jesus told us what it means to truly love Him. In John 14:15 He says, “If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My commands.”.  God’s love for His children is so pure and true that it goes far beyond sentiment. His love is active and demonstrative. We know the lengths His love is willing to go, since He gave His only Son. (John 3:16).  God’s ways are so perfect that if we follow them, they will cause us to live in an abundance of peace and joy, while having every need met. That’s why His Word teaches that when we are willing to obey His principles, we will eat the fat of the land (Isaiah 1:19). One translation says, “If you’ll willingly obey, you’ll feast like kings.”  God’s generous nature has been demonstrated through the Old and the New Testaments. The testimony of the widow in 2 Kings 4 is just one of the many to be told. When her husband died, he had left her and her sons in a pile of debt. Her creditors were on their way to collect her sons to be  slaves, as a form of payment. The prophet Elisha gave her an instruction, as a word from the Lord. She willingly obeyed and a miracle of provision took place in her obedience! She was told to collect as many empty vessels to contain oil that she could find. Then she was to pour that oil, from the small amount she had, into every last vessel. The oil did not run dry until each one was filled! She had collected enough oil to sell and use the money to pay all her debt and then live comfortably for the rest of her life! There is abundance in heaven, there is no lack, no shortage, and no insufficiency, and God has made a way for that abundance to make its way into the lives of His children here on earth. All it takes is our response to His generosity through our act of willing obedience to His ways.