Words of Power

The power of life and death is in the words we release.  If the Bible says our words carry so much power, then controlling what we say must be crucial. How can we set a guard to make sure our words remain life-giving, instead of life-destroying? The Bible says from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The word heart here refers to the core of our belief system.

For the born-again believer, our core belief system is shaped by our own personal revelation of God and His Word.  It becomes the filter through which we process our thoughts and beliefs.  So the more quality time we spend in God’s Word, with His Holy Spirit, the more His truth influences what we reason and believe. We begin to see everything through the filter of His perspective, which has a remarkable impact on our attitudes, thoughts, and most importantly – our words. When we realize this, we become very intentional in what we allow to enter our hearts and then release from our mouths!

Hearts full of God’s Spirit and Word are hearts filled with His love and faith.  When our words flow from that place – they are seasoned with power and life, provoking victory and attracting favour wherever they are released.  Keep your heart fixed in God’s Word and secure in His love, and your words of power will pave the way for a lifetime of victory and favour!