Worthy Heir to the Kingdom

When the prodigal son returned home, to his surprise, his father welcomed him with open arms and a heart full of compassion. The Scripture says, the father ordered his servants to bring the finest pieces of clothing and jewellery to put on his son. A man who thought himself unworthy to return home as a son was instead welcomed and celebrated! While the son was overwhelmed by his shame, he could no longer see his worth. But his father’s unconditional love clearly reminded him of who he was, and how much he was cherished and valued.


No matter how shame and regret cloud your self-image, understand that God’s unconditional love caused His Own, perfect Son to die for that shame. His blood is sufficient to wash you completely free from every trace of it. When you accept that redeeming love and surrender to its cleansing power, you will see that you have become a completely new creation in Christ Jesus. Your Heavenly Father calls you worthy, He calls you loved and gives you purpose, privilege, and promise – right now! If the devil ever causes you to question who you are and what you are worth, look to the finished work of the Cross. Jesus paid the ultimate price to make you new, free, and a joint heir to the kingdom of God!