Worthy of His Name

Moses told the Israelites that if they would obey God’s commandments and walk in His ways, they would be blessed by Him. Specifically, they would be seen as a powerful and respected nation, and their obedience to God would bring them into a place of prosperity and success. Nations would recognise they were called and established by God – His Name was their identity – they would be known as His very own people. This knowledge alone would make them fear being on the wrong side of their favour. Have you ever taken a moment to consider that in Christ, we are called by the name of the Lord? We have been chosen by God to be His representatives.  As His very own kingdom ambassadors, we walk in close fellowship with Him and are careful to listen to His instructions and obey whatever He tells us to do.  As a result, His blessing and favour will surround us, and go before us, and people will notice that our loyalty and faithful obedience to walk in His ways, no matter how difficult, has paved a way for our success. They will see how good things happen when they are around us. They will recognise how the atmosphere changes when we arrive on the scene.  It will be impossible for them to deny the hand of God on our lives and His Name will be a banner over our heads. Simple, sincere devotion and obedience to the Lord sets us apart to live in our inheritance and bring God glory. Live in Him, and you will live worthy of His Name.