Your Partner

This scripture says we are called into participation and companionship with the Lord Jesus. This speaks of a very special and intimate partnership we are called to enjoy with Him. Of course, this is only possible through the precious Holy Spirit Who lives in our hearts and makes us one spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). This partnership means that we can be one with Christ, joining Him in the life that He now lives, while we are living in this world. In 2 Timothy 2:12, it says that we endure in Him and reign in life with Him. That means because of the power of the Spirit that is in us, we don’t have to be afraid of the trials and challenges we face in this life. Instead, we can be confident and fearless knowing that if we keep our sights fixed on Him and His promises, we will not just overcome, but be victorious in this life – just as He is. No matter what you face today, choose to fix your attention on the truth that you are in partnership with God, and that He will give you the strength and wisdom you need to endure and come through on top!