Your Way Out

If you ever feel the temptation to fall into bad habits, to step back into fear, or to doubt God’s promises concerning you, has got the better of you; or the struggle to gain control of the tug-of-war between your flesh and spirit is too tough – it’s time to rejoice! Why? Because God has made a way out for you! If we choose to get in the habit of daily building up our spiritual strength by spending time in the Word, taking its truth to heart and letting it take root in our minds – it will cause our faith to become stronger and louder than any temptation that tries to lure us away from having victory in Christ. God’s Word will teach you that the problem you’re facing is no problem at all when you stand strong in faith and firm on God’s promises because He is faithful to fulfill His Word! Temptation has no power over a believer who is rooted and grounded in the Word and full of the power of the Holy Spirit! Pursue the things of God and see how temptation can never compete with the power that flows from you.